Self-employed attorney, 2014-2017
Attorney and partner, ACTIO attorneys, 2012-2014
Attorney, Lund Elmer Sandager, 2002-2012
Mediator, 2010
Attorney, 2001
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1992
Member of Danish Family Attorneys
Member of association for Danish Supreme Court attorneys
Member of Association for Advocates
The Danish Law Society
Court-appointed lawyer by the Danish Minstery of Justice
Brit Elling
(+45) 2711 1909
CVR: 34428891
Organized as a sole proprietorship
Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012
Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK
Self-employed attorney, 2014-2017
Attorney and partner, ACTIO attorneys, 2012-2014
Attorney, Lund Elmer Sandager, 2002-2012
Mediator, 2010
Attorney, 2001
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1992
Family law in its entirety
Brit Elling works with all aspects of family law, which is:
Separation, divorce and division of property
Economic division between unmarried cohabitees
Custody, residence and visitation
Forced removal of children and child abduction
Agreements regarding property including marriage contracts and cohabitation contracts
Heritage including wills
International family law within the sameareas as the above mentioned
Brit has specialized in family law since she became an attorney in 2001. Brit thereby has more than 20 years of experience with family law. Furthermore, Brit has extensive process experience and she is entitled to plead before the High Court and the Supreme Court in Denmark.Moreover, Brit is educated as mediator.
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Family law in its entirety
Brit Elling works with all aspects of family law, which is:
Separation, divorce and division of property
Economic division between unmarried cohabitees
Custody, residence and visitation
Forced removal of children and child abduction
Agreements regarding property including marriage contracts and cohabitation contracts
Heritage including wills
International family law within the sameareas as the above mentioned
Brit has specialized in family law since she became an attorney in 2001. Brit thereby has more than 20 years of experience with family law. Furthermore, Brit has extensive process experience and she is entitled to plead before the High Court and the Supreme Court in Denmark.Moreover, Brit is educated as mediator.
Self-employed attorney, 2014-2017
Attorney and partner, ACTIO attorneys, 2012-2014
Attorney, Lund Elmer Sandager, 2002-2012
Mediator, 2010
Attorney, 2001
Master of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1992
Member of Danish Family Attorneys
Member of association for Danish Supreme Court attorneys
Member of Association for Advocates
The Danish Law Society
Court-appointed lawyer by the Danish Minstery of Justice
Brit Elling
(+45) 2711 1909
CVR: 34428891
Organized as a sole proprietorship
Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012
Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK