Gorrissen Federspiel, Attorney, 2011-2013
Bech-Bruun, Attorney, 2006-2011
Kromann Reumert, Attorney, 2004-2005
Bech-Bruun, Assistant Attorney, 2001-2004
Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen, 2001
The Danish Association for Procurement Law
The Danish Association for Competition Law
The Danish Bar and Law Society/licensed by the Danish Ministry of Justice
Henrik Holtse
(+45) 3138 6602
CVR: 39571633
Organized as a limited liability company
Insurance: HDI Denmark, policy no.156-08654435-14012
Amount of Coverage: 50 mill. DKK
Gorrissen Federspiel, Attorney, 2011-2013
Bech-Bruun, Attorney, 2006-2011
Kromann Reumert, Attorney, 2004-2005
Bech-Bruun, Assistant Attorney, 2001-2004
Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen, 2001
Specialist in tender and competition law
Henrik Holtse advises on public procurement and competition law, specialising in these areas of the law since 2001.
Henrik provides advice on all aspects of public procurement, including in proceedings before the Complaints Board for Public Procurement and the courts.
Moreover, Henrik advises on all competition law issues, including claims for compensation due to non-compliance with Danish competition law.
Combined advice
Henrik seeks to integrate practical usefulness and financial aspects with the law to provide his clients with the best possible solution.
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Specialist in tender and competition law
Henrik Holtse advises on public procurement and competition law, specialising in these areas of the law since 2001.
Henrik provides advice on all aspects of public procurement, including in proceedings before the Complaints Board for Public Procurement and the courts.
Moreover, Henrik advises on all competition law issues, including claims for compensation due to non-compliance with Danish competition law.
Combined advice
Henrik seeks to integrate practical usefulness and financial aspects with the law to provide his clients with the best possible solution.
Gorrissen Federspiel, Attorney, 2011-2013
Bech-Bruun, Attorney, 2006-2011
Kromann Reumert, Attorney, 2004-2005
Bech-Bruun, Assistant Attorney, 2001-2004
Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen, 2001
The Danish Association for Procurement Law
The Danish Association for Competition Law
The Danish Bar and Law Society/licensed by the Danish Ministry of Justice
Henrik Holtse
(+45) 3138 6602
CVR: 39571633
Organized as a limited liability company
Insurance: HDI Denmark, policy no.156-08654435-14012
Amount of Coverage: 50 mill. DKK