Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
Practice areas

Freelance lawyer, including roles at Sentia Denmark, Maersk Insurance, and Maersk Drilling

Legal Director, Sentia Denmark

Lawyer, Birch Advokatfirma

Assistant General Counsel, DSV

Claims Manager and in-house lawyer, Marincon GmbH & Co, Hamburg


Graduate Diploma in English Maritime Law, London Metropolitan University, 2014

Lawyer (Advokat), 2003

Business Administration and Economics, CBS, 2006

Master of Law, McGill University, Montreal, 1999

Cand.jur. (Master of Laws), University of Copenhagen, 1997

Navigator and First Officer in the Danish Naval Home Guard


Det danske Advokatsamfund






Jacob Strandgaard Andersen

(+45) 2299 9783



CVR: 44223775

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK



Freelance lawyer, including roles at Sentia Denmark, Maersk Insurance, and Maersk Drilling

Legal Director, Sentia Denmark

Lawyer, Birch Advokatfirma

Assistant General Counsel, DSV

Claims Manager and in-house lawyer, Marincon GmbH & Co, Hamburg


Graduate Diploma in English Maritime Law, London Metropolitan University, 2014

Lawyer (Advokat), 2003

Business Administration and Economics, CBS, 2006

Master of Law, McGill University, Montreal, 1999

Cand.jur. (Master of Laws), University of Copenhagen, 1997

Navigator and First Officer in the Danish Naval Home Guard


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Jacob Strandgaard Andersen primarily advises Danish and international companies across a wide range of commercial law areas. He possesses a strong legal background and extensive experience in combining commercial and legal advice, in fields such as IT and technology law, tort law, maritime and transportation law, as well as all types of contracts.


International Experience

Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has worked abroad for several years, including an extended period in Germany, and he holds significant expertise in international legal systems.


Maritime and Transportation Law

With as pecialized focus on maritime and transportation law, both domestically and internationally, Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has extensive experience in claims handling, cargo-related issues, maritime accidents, transport contracts (charter parties and bills of lading, etc.), as well as associated insurance matters, including P&I, LOH, H&M, and cargo insurance.


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has substantial experience in litigation and has handled numerous court and arbitration cases. He has also served as an acting judge in the Western High Court of Denmark.


Negotiation of several comprehensive IT contracts,including supply agreements for financial companies, service agreements, licensing agreements, and SLAs for a Danish cloud provider.


Advising a German ship owner regarding a major casualty in the Bay of Biscay and managing subsequent negotiations with port authorities, public authorities, cargo owners, insurance companies, and various contractual parties.


Negotiation of numerous transportation agreements on behalf of a Danish freight forwarding company with some of the world's largest corporations.


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

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Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
er forfatter til nedenstående Updates:
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Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
har fået anmeldelser fra bl.a. nedenstående tilfredse klienter:


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen primarily advises Danish and international companies across a wide range of commercial law areas. He possesses a strong legal background and extensive experience in combining commercial and legal advice, in fields such as IT and technology law, tort law, maritime and transportation law, as well as all types of contracts.


International Experience

Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has worked abroad for several years, including an extended period in Germany, and he holds significant expertise in international legal systems.


Maritime and Transportation Law

With as pecialized focus on maritime and transportation law, both domestically and internationally, Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has extensive experience in claims handling, cargo-related issues, maritime accidents, transport contracts (charter parties and bills of lading, etc.), as well as associated insurance matters, including P&I, LOH, H&M, and cargo insurance.


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen has substantial experience in litigation and has handled numerous court and arbitration cases. He has also served as an acting judge in the Western High Court of Denmark.


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.


Negotiation of several comprehensive IT contracts,including supply agreements for financial companies, service agreements, licensing agreements, and SLAs for a Danish cloud provider.


Advising a German ship owner regarding a major casualty in the Bay of Biscay and managing subsequent negotiations with port authorities, public authorities, cargo owners, insurance companies, and various contractual parties.


Negotiation of numerous transportation agreements on behalf of a Danish freight forwarding company with some of the world's largest corporations.


Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
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Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
is the author of the following updates:
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Jacob Strandgaard Andersen
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
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Practice areas

Freelance lawyer, including roles at Sentia Denmark, Maersk Insurance, and Maersk Drilling

Legal Director, Sentia Denmark

Lawyer, Birch Advokatfirma

Assistant General Counsel, DSV

Claims Manager and in-house lawyer, Marincon GmbH & Co, Hamburg


Graduate Diploma in English Maritime Law, London Metropolitan University, 2014

Lawyer (Advokat), 2003

Business Administration and Economics, CBS, 2006

Master of Law, McGill University, Montreal, 1999

Cand.jur. (Master of Laws), University of Copenhagen, 1997

Navigator and First Officer in the Danish Naval Home Guard


Det danske Advokatsamfund






Jacob Strandgaard Andersen

(+45) 2299 9783



CVR: 44223775

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance :  HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance