Lars Bastholm
Practice areas

Lawyer (H), Partner at Aumento Law Firm, Copenhagen, 2021

Lawyer (H) at Elvang & Partners, Copenhagen, 2010

Lawyer (L) at Svejgaard - Galst Lawyers, Copenhagen, 2002

Lawyer at Wilhelm Malling & Co Law Firm, Nuuk, 2000

Lawyer's Assistant at Ret&Råd, Scheibel Law Firm, Hillerød, 1997


Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2015

Admitted to the Court of Appeals, 2008

Attorney License, 2000Bar Exam, 1999

Master of Laws (Cand. Jur.), University of Copenhagen, 1997






Lars Bastholm

(+45) 3152 5545


CVR: 42598321

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK



Lawyer (H), Partner at Aumento Law Firm, Copenhagen, 2021

Lawyer (H) at Elvang & Partners, Copenhagen, 2010

Lawyer (L) at Svejgaard - Galst Lawyers, Copenhagen, 2002

Lawyer at Wilhelm Malling & Co Law Firm, Nuuk, 2000

Lawyer's Assistant at Ret&Råd, Scheibel Law Firm, Hillerød, 1997


Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2015

Admitted to the Court of Appeals, 2008

Attorney License, 2000Bar Exam, 1999

Master of Laws (Cand. Jur.), University of Copenhagen, 1997


Real estate and construction
Litigation and dispute resolution
Residential and rental





Solid experience

Since Lars Bastholm started as a lawyer's assistant in 1997, he has been providing advice and handling civil litigation primarily, but not exclusively, related to real estate and construction. As a result, Lars has built a very solid experience in litigation and is now considered a seasoned trial lawyer and real estate attorney.

Both private clients and businesses benefit greatly from this experience. Lars can quickly assess how a dispute is likely to unfold if it goes to court, providing valuable insights. He is skilled in evaluating whether a case should be settled or litigated, and is adept at conducting settlement negotiations.

Goes the extra mile

If a settlement cannot be reached, clients can rely on Lars to present and argue their case in a manner that maximizes their chances of achieving a satisfactory outcome. Lars is competitive by nature and therefore gives his all during case preparation and when appearing in court.

Lars Bastholm also advises on property purchases, apartment acquisitions, and construction matters, which he has been doing since 1997.



Lars Bastholm
har opnået ranking i nedenstående guides og kategorier:

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Lars Bastholm
har fået anmeldelser fra bl.a. nedenstående tilfredse klienter:


Solid experience

Since Lars Bastholm started as a lawyer's assistant in 1997, he has been providing advice and handling civil litigation primarily, but not exclusively, related to real estate and construction. As a result, Lars has built a very solid experience in litigation and is now considered a seasoned trial lawyer and real estate attorney.

Both private clients and businesses benefit greatly from this experience. Lars can quickly assess how a dispute is likely to unfold if it goes to court, providing valuable insights. He is skilled in evaluating whether a case should be settled or litigated, and is adept at conducting settlement negotiations.

Goes the extra mile

If a settlement cannot be reached, clients can rely on Lars to present and argue their case in a manner that maximizes their chances of achieving a satisfactory outcome. Lars is competitive by nature and therefore gives his all during case preparation and when appearing in court.

Lars Bastholm also advises on property purchases, apartment acquisitions, and construction matters, which he has been doing since 1997.


Lars Bastholm
Is part of the following Aumento Teams:
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
Aumento Real Estate
Aumento Transactions
For larger cases, special teams are assembled across legal specialties including lawyers, associates, law students, and administrative staff with the aim of ensuring optimal and comprehensive advice.



Lars Bastholm
has achieved rankings in the following guides and categories:
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Lars Bastholm
is the author of the following updates:
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Lars Bastholm
has received reviews from satisfied clients, including the following:
Lars Bastholm har ført vores sag – først ved Byretten og derefter ved Landsretten – og vundet sagen begge steder. Sagen handlede om forkert udført arbejde ved en renovering af vores hus. I penge drejede det sig om et erstatningskrav på et stykke over ½ million kroner. Vi har – og har hele vejen igennem haft - fuld tillid til Lars. Han havde altid fuldt overblik over alle sagsforhold og alle sagsdokumenter (3-400 sider). Han havde en klar kurs mht. vores strategi og kunne altid hjælpe os med at finde ud af hvad der var vigtigt og hvad der var knap så vigtigt når vi var ved at miste overblikket. Men vores overblik var nu ikke så afgørende hvad angår selv retssagen, det handlede mere om vores eget ønske om at have styr på det hele. For selve retssagen ”kørte” Lars suverænt og lod ikke svagheder i modpartens sagsfremstilling og vidneudsagn gå upåagtede hen. Det er afgørende at have en kompetent advokat, men det er også vigtigt at samarbejdsklimaet er godt. Og det var det! Ikke mindst takket være Lars’s humoristiske sans. Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale Lars til enhver som ønsker en dygtig advokat som det er behageligt at samarbejde med.

Knud Fjeldsted

Lars Bastholm 19
Practice areas

Lawyer (H), Partner at Aumento Law Firm, Copenhagen, 2021

Lawyer (H) at Elvang & Partners, Copenhagen, 2010

Lawyer (L) at Svejgaard - Galst Lawyers, Copenhagen, 2002

Lawyer at Wilhelm Malling & Co Law Firm, Nuuk, 2000

Lawyer's Assistant at Ret&Råd, Scheibel Law Firm, Hillerød, 1997


Admitted to the Supreme Court, 2015

Admitted to the Court of Appeals, 2008

Attorney License, 2000Bar Exam, 1999

Master of Laws (Cand. Jur.), University of Copenhagen, 1997






Lars Bastholm

(+45) 3152 5545


CVR: 42598321

Organized as a sole proprietorship

Insurance HDI Denmark, policy no. 156-08654435-14012

Amount of Coverage : 50 mill. DKK

Complaint guidance