Aumento Transactions

Aumento Transactions

We are proud to announce that during 2021 until today, Aumento’s transaction team has successfully advised on the following transactions:

Advised on the sale of Danish transport company Neptun Transport A/S to listed Danish transport company Nordic Transport Group A/S (NTG A/S). The transaction was completed in the beginning of May 2021. Press release: https://ntg.com/da/ntg-acquires-neptun-transport-a-s/

Advised on the sale of Danish IT-company Nordija A/S to UK listed company Aferian PLC (previously Amino Technologies PLC). The transaction was completed in the end of May 2021. Press release: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/AMO/acquisition-of-nordija-for-eur5-3m/14993535

Advised on the sale of Danish medical equipment company IVFtech ApS to US-company Hamilton Thorne Inc. The transaction was completed in mid-July 2021. Press release: https://www.hamiltonthorne.ltd/index.php/2021-press-releases/280-hamilton-thorne-announces-the-acquisition-of-ivftech-aps-and-k4-technology-aps

Acted as interim management (chairman of the board of directors) during the sale of subsidiary Schilling A/S to Dutch company Total Specific Solutions. The transaction was completed in June 2021. Press release: https://www.totalspecificsolutions.com/about-us/transaction-updates?tid=80

For further information on Aumento Transactions and its services please see https://aumento.dk/en/aumento-transactions/ and/or contact partner Torben Mauritzen on tm@aumento.dk or +45 22 83 20 74.

Denne artikel er skrevet af:

Torben Mauritzen

Advokat (H), MBA, MRICS, Partner
(+45) 7025 5770
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